Social media is one of the fastest ways we reach our most connected and engaged LMU audiences. With nearly 250 official university accounts that serve hundreds of thousands of direct followers and ultimately reach millions, social media is a powerful tool for bringing our work, news, important initiatives, outreach and, in the process, the very LMU brand to the world.
LMU Marketing and Communications will help you get started in social media and harness the full potential of this dynamic communication tool. Guidelines, standards and best practices guide you through the process, helping you break down the various channels and their unique strengths, providing data and best practices on posting strategies, advising on critical and effective content planning, and much more.
The LMU social media system is designed to be cohesive while still providing user flexibility and visual variety. Social media brand standards provide tools and guidance for establishing profile pictures, tiles and avatars to ensure LMU brand consistency across all of the university’s accounts on the most critical platforms and channels.
Customized profile images for LMU organizations, departments and programs are created to spec by Marketing and Communications. Contact the marketing and communications representative in your area to request a social media profile image for your unit.
Breaking Down the Profile Image Template
The LMU profile image template is designed to adapt to the most common and universal specifications for social media sites and channels. Examples are shown here as square profiles, but the templates account for cropping and reshaping into circle-shaped avatars as well.
Primary University Profile Images
The primary mark center-justified above the LMU acronym wordmark is the university-level social media profile image. It is used on all LMU social media sites and channels.
Secondary Organization Profile Images
Schools, colleges, departments, centers and programs should use the University logo acronym lockup with secondary messaging that is partially defined by character limits. Profile images are available in LMU primary color palette options. Text is set in Metric, LMU's primary typeface, with organization acronyms in uppercase and all others in title case.
If the program name cannot be truncated to use a lockup option, the university primary mark should be used alone. In this case, the account's customizable text and image areas are used to identify the sponsoring LMU organization.
Secondary Profile Images
Available in three styles.
Short Word Secondary Profile Images
One word, up to 5 characters.
Long Word Secondary Profile Images
One word, up to 9 characters.
Two-Line Secondary Profile Images
Two lines, one word per line, up to 10 characters per word.
LMU Athletics Profile Images
The LMU Athletics Identity features its own brand architecture that all programs lock into. The mark is visually integrated with the rest of the LMU brand and featured on uniforms, in playing arenas, signage, the Athletics business package, fan apparel, communications and promotions. The LMU arch is used exclusively by Athletics and is not available by download.
The Athletics social media profile image template contains the primary arch logo locked up with secondary messaging defined by character limits and displayed on LMU primary color background options. Text is set in Metric, LMU's primary typeface, with templates for short and long one-word program names as well as longer, two-line programs.
LMU Athletics social media profile image requests are vetted by Marketing and Communications.
Primary Athletics Profile Images
Available in three styles.
Short Word Athletics Profile Images
One word, up to 6 characters.
Long Word Athletics Profile Images
One word, up to 10 characters.
Two-Line Athletics Profile Images
Two lines, up to 12 characters on the first line and 10 characters on the second line.
Spirit Mark Profile Images
The LMU spirit mark is used in less formal applications with the goal of building and encouraging school spirit. It is used by student organizations and to promote LMU student programs. The spirit mark is also a secondary logo for LMU Athletics.
Student-centered programs and other university departments executing initiatives with the goal of building LMU spirit can use the spirit mark social media profile image template. Locked up with secondary messaging that is partially defined by character limits, spirit mark profile images are available in LMU primary options. Text is set in Metric, LMU's primary typeface, with acronyms in uppercase and all others in title case.
If the program name cannot be truncated to use a lockup option, the spirit mark should be used alone. In this case, the account's customizable text and image areas are used to identify the sponsoring LMU organization.
Spirit Mark Profile Images
Available in three styles.
Short Word Spirit Mark Profile Images
One word, up to 5 characters.
Long Word Spirit Mark Profile Images
One word, up to 9 characters.
Two-Line Spirit Mark Profile Images
Two lines, one word per line, up to 10 characters per word.
Incorrect Social Media Profile Image Use
Consistent application of the university's social media profile image templates ensures brand clarity and LMU recognition across social media channels sites.

Don't use colors that are not in the LMU color palette.

Don't use unapproved combinations of icon, title and background colors.

Don't create layouts extending outside the boundaries of the established LMU profile image template.

Don't use the incorrect template for the length of your program name.

Don't use text lock-ups that are longer than the LMU profile image templates.

Don't create or use image or type treatments outside of the LMU visual identity system.