University Logo Lock-Ups: Spirit Mark

University spirit mark lock-ups are used in less formal applications with the goal of building and encouraging school spirit. They are used by student organizations and to promote LMU student programs. Spirit mark lock-ups also serve as secondary lock-ups for LMU Athletics programs.

Left-Justified Spirit Mark Lock-Up
Full Name Spirit Mark Lock-Up
Center-Justified Spirit Mark Lock-Up
Full Name Spirit Mark Lock-Up

Clear Space

Adequate clear space for primary spirit mark lock-ups is defined as the cap height of the M extended around the lock-up’s perimeter. No other graphics or text should interfere with this area.

Diagram for clear spacing requirements around the Spirit Mark Lock-Up

Minimum Size

The minimum size of a primary spirit mark lock-ups contains a spirit mark at 0.5-inches-wide with the wordmark at the same scale. There is no maximum size use.

Spirit Mark Lock-Up minimum size diagram

Spirit Mark Acronym Lock-Ups

Spirit mark lock-ups follow the same visual protocols as primary lock-ups, with the spirit mark locked up to primary and acronym wordmarks to form logo signatures in left- and center-justified applications.

Left-Justified Spirit Mark Acronym Lock-Up
Acronym Spirit Mark Lock-Up
Center-Justified Spirit Mark Acronym Lock-Up
Acronym Spirit Mark Lock-Up

Clear Space

Adequate clear space for acronym spirit mark lock-ups is defined as 1/4 of the height of the LMU acronym extended around the lock-up's perimeter. No other graphics or text should interfere with this area.

Diagram for clear spacing requirements around the center-justified Acronym Lock-Up

Minimum Size

The minimum size of acronym spirit mark lock-ups contains a spirit mark at 0.5-inches-wide with the wordmark at the same scale. There is no maximum size use.

Spirit Mark Acronym Lock-Up minimum size diagram